Diet Modification

Active and Passive Activities

Beanstalk advocates both active as well as passive activities to bring about desirable changes in the people where stressful living and sedentary life style patterns have become a constraint in shedding of undesirable body weight and unwanted kilos.

Physiologically, aerobic activity like walking for period of 30–45 minutes is advised. Besides giving calorie expenditure, walking prior to meals improves the blunted thermic response to food, enhancing nutrient distribution and blood circulation. This is excellent for improving the functional capacity of various organs and systems of the body. In the long run, regular walking becomes a part of the improved lifestyle of the person.

Some clients are unable to do vigorous physical activity due to a medical problem or even obesity. Physiotherapists focus on encouraging increased levels of low intensity activity and reducing the amount of leisure time spent in sedentary pursuits. They suggest specialized and individualized physical activity patterns to these clients. The clients are also advised to do things a little differently from their normal routine in order to promote fitness in their daily regimen within their existing life style. The Physiotherapists base their recommendations on the assessment of the Fitness Quotient of the client. Individualized physical activity patterns are formulated encouraging the energy expenditure along with improvement in the Fitness Quotient.







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