Diet Modification

Diet Modification

The right diet is the key to Health and Fitness. We encourage you to eat right and eat well. All suggestions and diet modifications are made keeping the regional and cultural preferences in mind.

We believe that a viable diet modification plan is one which adheres to individual likes, dislikes, food habits, economic background, availability of time for food preparation and his/her working conditions.

Our team of professionals and dietitians formulate a balanced diet with the exact proportion and quality of carbohydrates, proteins and fat, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
We work on the ‘Thali’ concept depicting household measures and ample demonstrations are made to familiarize the client with these measures and the clients have a clear concept about quantity of food to be consumed in a meal.

Not only are Therapeutic diets planned for clients with medical problems ( Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOD etc ) but suitable suggestions and modifications are also made to maintain a healthy, glowing skin and hair. All these programs are carefully formulated based on the age and type of skin and hair.

We at BEANSTALK do not believe in crash diets or starving. We strive for negative calorie balance merely by formulating a scientifically planned combination of dietary modifications along with active and passive exercises and behavior modification.

Crash diets are absolutely discouraged at BEANSTALK.

Complete care is taken to determine individualized calorie requirements and provide right percentage and quality of all the essential nutrients in the diet.

We avoid foods with empty calories and encourage low calorie, nutrient dense foods. Our purpose is to have a diet which is low calorie yet adequate in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants protect against oxidative damage and improve defense mechanisms.

It is always advisable to have a scientifically modified diet plan designed by experts. Clients who follow self-imposed Dietary modifications by random cutting down of calories suffer from various deficiency disorders of micronutrients

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